Appendix 2

Public hearings and witnesses

13 November 2015, Canberra ACT

Members in attendance: Senators Edwards, Ketter, Madigan, Xenophon

BROOKFIELD, Ms Kristin, Senior Executive Director, Building Development and Environment, Housing Industry Association

BURGESS, Mr Mark, Executive Manager, CSIRO Services, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation

BURN, Dr Peter, Head, Influence and Policy, Australian Industry Group

BYRNE, Dr Anne, General Manager, Manufacturing and Services Policy Branch, Department of Industry, Innovation and Science

CHANDLER, Mr Andrew, Assistant Secretary, Trade and Customs, Department of Immigration and Border Protection

CHESWORTH, Mr Peter, Acting Deputy Secretary, Department of Industry, Innovation and Science

DALE, Ms Erin, Commander, Customs Compliance, Australian Border Force

DALRYMPLE, Mr Adam, Director, Fire Safety, Metropolitan Fire Brigade

DAVIS, Mr Gary, Manager, Building Metals and Construction Section, Department of Industry, Innovation and Science

GOODWIN, Mr Shane, Managing Director, Housing Industry Association

GREGSON, Mr Scott, Executive General Manager, Consumer Enforcement, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

HATCHER, Ms Emma, Director, Regulated Goods Policy, Department of Immigration and Border Protection

HUMPHREY, Mr David, Senior Executive Director, Business Compliance and Contracting, Housing Industry Association

NEWHOUSE, Mr Kevin, Group Manager, NCC Management and Product Certification, Australian Building Codes Board

PATEN, Ms Anne, President, Victorian Building Action Group

RIDGWAY, Mr Nigel, Executive General Manager, Consumer, Small Business and Product Safety Division, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

SAVERY, Mr Neil, General Manager, Australian Building Codes Board

SMITH, Mr Zachary, ACT Branch Organiser, Construction and General Division, Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union

SQUIRE, Mr Martin, General Manager, Trade and International Branch, Department of Industry, Innovation and Science

THOMSON, Mr James, Senior Adviser, Standards and Regulation, Australian Industry Group

WACEY, Mr Travis Kent, National Policy Research Officer, Forestry, Furnishing, Building Product and Manufacturing Division, Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union

WOLFE, Mr Graham, Chief Executive, Industry Policy and Media, Housing Industry Association

YAXLEY, Mr Julian, Manager, Economics and Strategic Projects, Metropolitan Fire Brigade

ZIPPER, Dr Marcus, Director, CSIRO Services, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation

15 February 2016, Melbourne VIC

Members in attendance: Senators Edwards, Ketter, Madigan, Xenophon

GINIVAN, Mr John, Acting Executive Director, Statutory Planning And Heritage, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Victoria

HARNISCH, Mr Wilhelm, Chief Executive Officer, Master Builders Australia

JACOB, Dr Leon, Private capacity

JONES, Mr Phil, General Manager, G James Glass and Aluminium

LE COMPTE, Mr Lindsay, Chair, Construction Products Alliance

MULHERIN, Mr Peter, Founder, ProductWise

MUNZ, Dr Nathan, Private capacity

OVERTON, Mr Warren, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Glass and Glazing Association

RICE, Mr Jamie, Assistant General Manager, G James Glass and Aluminium

RILEY-TAKOS, Ms Kareen, General Manager, Standards Development, Standards Australia

STINGEMORE, Mr Adam, General Manager, Stakeholder Engagement and Public Affairs, Standards Australia

TIGHE, Mr Peter, Chief Executive Officer, Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency

30 January 2017, Brisbane QLD

Members in attendance: Senators Hume, Ketter, Xenophon

BLUNDELL, Mr Thady, Lawyer, Asbestos Disease Support Society, Turner Freeman Lawyers

BRAME, Mr Colin, Director, Customs Brokers and Forwarders Council of Australia Inc

BUCHHORN, Mr Wayne, Assistant Commissioner, Investigations Division, Department of Immigration and Border Protection

CHANDLER, Mr Andrew, Assistant Secretary, Trade and Customs Branch, Department of Immigration and Border Protection

DALE, Ms Erin, Commander, Customs Compliance Branch, Department of Immigration and Border Protection

GEDDES, Ms Linda, First Assistant Secretary, Traveller, Customs and Industry Policy Division, Department of Immigration and Border Protection

GOLDSBROUGH, Mr Paul, Executive Director, Safety, Policy and Workers Compensation Services, Office of Industrial Relations, Queensland Treasury

HUTCHINSON, Mr Joe, Site Delegate, Construction and General Division, Queensland/Northern Territory Branch, Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union

JOHNSTONE, Mr John McGregor (Ian), Member, Asbestos Disease Support Society

MORRIS, Mr Stephen, Executive Director, Customs Brokers and Forwarders Council of Australia Inc

PARKER, Mr Bradley, National Assistant Secretary, Construction and General National Office, Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union

RAMSAY, Mr Andrew, Workplace Health and Safety Coordinator, Construction and General Division, Queensland/Northern Territory Branch, Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union

RICHARDS, Ms Amanda Marion, Chief Executive Officer, Asbestos Disease Support Society

WACEY, Mr Travis Kent, National Policy Research Officer, Forestry, Furnishing, Building Products and Manufacturing Division, Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union

WILL, Mr Kevin, Managing Director, Yuanda Australia Pty Ltd

09 March 2017, Perth WA

Members in attendance: Senators Sterle, Xenophon

ALBONICO, Mr Lindsay Robert, Project Director, John Holland Pty Ltd

BENKESSER, Mr Robert Anthony, Safety Officer, Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union

BROOKS, Mr Andrew John, Health, Safety, Environment and Quality Manager, John Holland Pty Ltd

BUCHAN, Mr Mick, State Secretary, Construction and General Division, Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union

EASTON, Mr Frederick Spencer, Business Manager, Coffey

MANN, Mr Richard Dorham, Executive Director, Strategic Projects and Asset Sales, Department of Treasury, Western Australia

MORGAN, Mr Daniel, Principal Consultant, Coffey

MUSK, Professor Arthur William (Bill), Member, Australian Medical Association (Western Australia)

NAPIER, Mr Justin, General Manager, Regulatory Operations Group, Comcare

SUTCLIFFE, Mr Tony, Director, Regional Operations Western Australia, Regulatory Operations Group, Comcare

VOJAKOVIC, Mr Robert Dragutin, President, Asbestos Diseases Society of Australia Inc.

14 July 2017, Melbourne VIC 

Members in attendance: Senators Kim Carr, Ketter, Xenophon

AYLWARD, Mr David, Shop Steward, Trades Union of Australia

BANNAM, Mr Clinton, Organiser, Australian Manufacturing Workers Union, Victoria

CARROLL, Ms Liza, Director-General, Department of Housing and Public Works

CHRISTIE, Mr Matt, Organiser, Australian Manufacturing Workers Union, Victoria

CLEMENT, Mr David, President, Asbestoswise

DALRYMPLE, Mr Adam, Acting Deputy Chief Officer, Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board

de SILVA, Mr Radley, Chief Executive Officer, Master Builders Association of Victoria

DISTON, Mr Steven, Organiser, Electrical Trades Union of Australia

EDWARDS, Mr Alan, Federal Safety Commissioner, Office of the Federal Safety Commissioner

FINNIMORE, Mr Philip, Principal Adviser, Building Industry and Policy, Department of Housing and Public Works

HAMILTON, Mrs Vicki, OAM, Chief Executive Officer; Secretary, Asbestos Council of Victoria/GARDS Inc

KELLY, Mr Robert, Director, Specialist Services, Health and Safety, WorkSafe Victoria

McDONALD, Mr Matthew, Group Manager, Innovation and Analysis, Australian Building Codes Board

MIER, Mr David, Assistant National Secretary, Electrical Trades Union of Australia

MUSOLINO, Ms Renata, Secretary, Asbestoswise

NEWHOUSE, Mr Kevin, Group Manager, Australian Building Codes Board

RAFFERTY, Mr Max, National Manager, Technical Services, Master Builders Australia

ROBERTS, Mrs Dorothy, President, Asbestos Council of Victoria/GARDS Inc

ROSS, Ms Sarah, Education Officer and OHS Officer, Australian Manufacturing Workers Union, Victoria

SAVERY, Mr Neil, General Manager, Australian Building Codes Board

SMITH, Mrs Marie, Vice-President, Asbestos Council of Victoria/GARDS Inc

TIMMS, Mr Logan, Executive Director, Department of Housing and Public Works

WACEY, Mr Travis, National Policy Research Officer, Forestry, Furnishing, Building Products and Manufacturing Division, Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union

WAWN, Mrs Denita, Chief Executive Officer, Master Builders Australia

19 July 2017 Sydney NSW 

Members in attendance: Senators Kim Carr, Ketter, Xenophon

ATTWOOD, Mr Graham, Director, Expanded Polystyrene Australia

BARNETT, Dr Jonathan, Chair, Society of Fire Safety, Engineers Australia

BHASIN, Mr Sahil, National General Manager, Roscon Property Services

DWYER, Mr Phillip, National President, Builders Collective of Australia

FAIFER, Mr Norman, Immediate Past National President, Australian Institute of Building

GARDNER, Mr Ken, Chief Executive Officer, Master Plumbers and Mechanical Services Association

GENCO, Mr Joseph, Director, Technical and Regulation Division, Victorian Building Authority

GILLIES, Mr Andrew, Managing Director, Fairview Architectural

GILLIES, Mr Roy, Sales Manager, Fairview Architectural

GODDARD, Mr Stephen, Spokesperson, Owners Corporation Network

HEATHER, Mr Paul, National President, Australian Institute of Building

HILLS, Mr Rodger, Executive Officer, Building Products Innovation Council

HUGHES-BROWN, Mr Benjamin, Managing Director, Ignis Solutions Pty Ltd

IRELAND, Miss Talissa, Senior Client Liaison Officer, CertMark International

LECK, Ms Amanda, Director, Information and Community Safety, Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council

LLEWELLYN, Mr Robert, Built Environment Consultant, Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council

MARTIN, Mr Wade, National Technical Manager, Halifax Vogel Group Pty Ltd

McINTYRE, Mr Peter, Chief Executive Officer, Engineers Australia

O'BRIEN, Dr Darryl, National Technical Committee representative, Non-Conforming Building Products, Australian Institute of Building Surveyors

OLDS, Mr Troy, Board Director, Australian Institute of Building Surveyors

RATZ, Mr Laurie, Special Risks Manager, Insurance Council of Australia

RAYMENT, Mr Bruce, Chief Executive Officer, Halifax Vogel Group Pty Ltd

SMITH, Mr Murray, Acting Chief Executive Officer, Victorian Building Authority

STEWART, Mr Greg, Sales Manager, Fairview Architectural

STILES, Ms Karen, Executive Officer, Owners Corporation Network

STOLTZ, Mr Christopher, President, Victoria Division, Engineers Australia

SULLIVAN, Mr Karl, General Manager Risk & Disaster Planning, Insurance Council of Australia

THORPE, Mr John Charles, Chief Executive Officer, CertMark International

TUXFORD, Mr Timothy, National President, Australian Institute of Building Surveyors

WILLIAMS, Mr Scott, Chief Executive Officer, Fire Protection Association Australia

31 July 2017, Adelaide SA

Members in attendance: Senators Hume, Ketter, Xenophon

CARTLEDGE, Mr Aaron, State Secretary Construction and General, Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union, South Australia

DOREIAN, Mr Graeme, Private capacity

DORMONTT, Dr Eleanor, Research Fellow, The Advanced DNA, Identification and Forensic Facility, University of Adelaide

GAVIN, Mr Clint, National Sales, Manager, SGI Architectural Pty Ltd

HOPGOOD, Mr Michael (Mick), SA Organiser, Australian Workers Union

JOHNSON, Mr Robin, Managing Director, Robin Johnson Engineering

KIRNER, Mr Dave, District Secretary Forestry, Furnishing, Building Products and Manufacturing Division, Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union, South Australia

KWONG, Mr Chris, Manager, Development, Policy and Assessment, Development Division, Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, South Australia

LAMPS, Mr Peter, SA Branch Secretary, Australian Workers Union

LOWE, Professor Andrew John, Chair, Plant Conservation Biology, The Advanced DNA, Identification and Forensic Facility, University of Adelaide

McKIE, Mr Chris, Chief Inspector, Compliance and Enforcement, SafeWork SA, South Australia

PISONI, Mr Simon, Assistant Branch Secretary, Electrical and Plumbing South Australia, Communications Electrical Plumbing Union

PURSE, Dr Kevin, President, Asbestos Diseases Society of South Australia

RAU, The Hon. John MP, Deputy Premier, South Australia

RENOUF, Mr Timothy, Managing Director, Wren Industries Pty Ltd

WARD, Mr Jim, National Director, Occupational Health and Safety, Australian Workers Union

WILCZYNSKI, Mr Joseph, Private capacity

3 October 2017, Sydney NSW

Members in attendance: Senators Hume, Ketter, Xenophon.

BAXTER, Ms Michelle, Commissioner, Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission

BYRNE, Mr Martin, Federal Secretary, Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers

CROSS, Mr Michael, National Safety and Training Officer, Maritime Union of Australia

GARRETT, Mr Paul, Assistant Secretary, Sydney Branch, Maritime Union of Australia

GAULD, Mr Trevor, Commissioner, Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission

GREGSON, Mr Scott, Executive General Manager, Consumer Enforcement, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

GRIMWADE, Mr Timothy, Executive General Manager, Consumer, Small Business and Product Safety, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

MANTLE, Mr Andrew Gordon, Managing Director, Asbestos Audits & Environmental Audits Pty Ltd

MATTHEW, Mr Neville, General Manager, Consumer Product Safety, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

MITCHELL, Mr John, Manager, Government Relations, National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia

SHEPHERD, Mr Neil, Sector Manager, Life Sciences, National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia

SHERRIFF, Mr Barry, Chairperson, Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission

17 October 2017, Canberra ACT

Members in attendance: Senators Dastyari, Hume, Xenophon.

BOROWICK, Mr Michael, Assistant Secretary, Australian Council of Trade Unions

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